
About our Blog

Purpose: this blog is designed to share experiences, research, case studies, recommendations, and links to research-based information about teaching in online or hybrid or blended environments. Our goal is to provide a scholarly, research-based forum for exploring the challenges and opportunities for teaching in online or blended settings in K-12 and higher education. Unlike other offerings, our blog entries are thoughtful, reflective, and informed by specific research and experiences of faculty members and K-12 teachers who have taught in these environments. Credibility and a lack of bias for any particular online tools or methods are essential elements of this blog. 

Audience: anyone in K-12, higher education or the private sector who is interested in teaching in online or blended environments, developing and offering successful online or blended courses or programs, or in learning about research-based practices in this domain.  

Focus: this blog is focused on sharing what we have learned, asking important questions related to the growing field of online education, and providing analysis and informed commentary on all issues related to e-learing, online or distance education. We have no specific agenda, or bias, in this blog and are not selling or promoting specific tools or services. As such, we do not have a vested interest in advocating for elements of online education. 
Blog team {Amy, Glenna, Jason, Sean & Andy}

Who we are: we are educators and academics who have been, and continue to be, involved in developing, teaching and evaluating hybrid and online courses and programs. We bring several years of experience teaching in both hybrid and online formats, using web-based learning environments, as well as conducting research on online instruction and assessment. We have advanced degrees and also read published research and commercial documents about online education. We bring a collective set of knowledge, skills, and experiences to this blog and our postings that we hope will help others as they move into the online or hybrid education arenas. 

A note about the role of evidence in support of claims made about online education: as academics, and scholars, we value evidence-based research in the exploration of online education as essential for improving the quality and effectiveness of online and blended instruction and assessment. While we do not discount personal experience, or claims made that are not supported by evidence or are shared in non-peer reviewed outlets, we place more credibility on peer-reviewed research. As a result, we advocate for a rational discussion about the impact of online education that is based on available research and not on beliefs, personal opinions or political stances related to this topic.     

E-mail: blog team

copyright (c) 2014

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